RPS-001 nodify from VZ-58 to 5.56,made by RungPaiSarn company.made prototype unknow number,RPS-001 and RPS-001S for short bareel,new flash hider call RPS and use US M-7 bayonet!company made under ministry of defense,but company close by political game!
In 1986-1987.Czechoslovakia win deal a lot of 5.56 bullets for Thai,China lost.I think Czechoslovakia send VZ-58 to Thai for this gift.
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all products promote poster of company
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pics cut from promote poster
- RPS-001s มันเป็นปืนที่กองทัพไทยพัฒนาเองโดย มีต้นแบบมาจาก M16A2 และ VZ58โดยรุ่งไพศาลอุตสาหกรรมเป็นผู้รับเหมา หากใครเคยอ่านนิตยสาร สมรภูมิ -Battle Field ..
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test weapon show mass media and military
Was that a f***ing INSAS?! Had Thailand really that desperate, considering that North Korean MBT and now this! The answer is no, this isn't an INSAS, this is the Rung Paisarn industry RPS-001 Assault Rifle. Indigenously developed in Thailand. This's its story Back in the 1990s, the Royal Thai...