Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In Big June 2016 Newsletter
Hello World War 2 & jet aircraft fans --
You are invited to drop by Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com to view our June 2016 selection of eight exciting films streaming over the Web in broadband, including three premieres!
As always, all of the videos showing on our web site are for your free viewing pleasure. Please help "spread the word" by liking us on Facebook!
Now showing in June "At the Matinee" at Zeno's Drive-In Free admission!
* R.A.F. Bostons, Mosquitoes, Typhoons & G.C. Pickard's Last Mission1944. NEW! "The Gen" was a film news series produced the Royal Air Force & shown to service personnel, selected scenes from which are shown here. Highlights include R.A.F. Douglas Boston Attack Bombers make a very low level attack on an armaments factory in France; "The Independent Air Force" & their de Havilland Mosquitoes; Group Captain Percy Charles "Pick" Pickard's last mission, a low level precision Mosquito strike to free French Resistance fighters from a German prison in Amiens, France, and R.A.F. Hawker Typhoon fighter/bombers use rockets and canon to support the Allied breakout from Normandy after the D-Day landings.
*Army Air forces Alerts: Merlin P-40-Fs, .50 Caliber Jams & Turbo Superchargers 1943. NEW. Army Air Forces Alerts? were produced by the Air Force testing & development center at Wright Field during World War 2 to inform service personnel of the latest technological advances in aviation, communications, weapons and ordnance, and to give "heads ups?" on potential problems and how to deal with them. Segments featured here introduced adding Rolls Royce designed Merlin engines (built under license by Packard) to the Curtiss P-40F, how to deal with bullet jamming in .50 caliber machine guns used in bombers, and the theory and practice of using turbo superchargers in aircraft engines, in this case, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighter.
* U.S. Navy Gunfire Strikes on North Vietnam. NEW This classified US Navy report made during the Vietnam War, Surface Strikes tells the fascinating, and now largely forgotten story of 7th Fleet hit run gunfire surface attacks conducted by destroyers and cruisers, close to the shores of North Vietnam in support of Operations Linebacker 1 & 2 starting in April 1972 through January 1973. The overall objective was to disrupt enemy lines of communication in support of ongoing air strikes. There is a frank discussion of the overall effectiveness of these attacks.
* DZ Normandy.The D-Day Airborne Invasion, June 6th, 1944. "DZ Normandy: The Employment of Troop Carrier Forces" was produced during World War 2 to show the strategic and tactical planning that went into the airborne component of the June 6th, 1944 D-Day invasion as well as document the actual proceedings. It was originally only shown to airborne troops as part of their training and was declassified after the end of the War. Of special interest is the detailed depiction of the development of glider troop transport and doctrine. Great footage of 82nd & 101st Division paratroopers too. If you think you've seen all the surviving footage about Normandy operations, this film will be an eye opener.
* B-25s: Winged Artillery. Nine 75mm cannon firing B-25Gs of the 48th Bomb Squadron, 7AAF, based on Apamama in the Gilbert Islands, conduct a hair raising tree top level strike on the Japanese air base on Mille. Also features amazingly well preserved and very rare color footage of daily life of air crew and ground personnel stationed on the islands. As a bonus, you'll watch Sea Bees using heavy equipment to transform these hard won tropical atolls into fully functioning air bases and ground crews maintaining the Mitchell's massive canons.
* B-52 Vietnam. The focus of this dramatic film is an "Arc Light" bombing mission flown by Pilot Captain George Dietrich and the crew of B-52 D "075," 4258th Strategic Wing out of U Tapao, Thailand in support of the besieged marine base at Khe Sahn in 1968. You'll see every aspect of the mission from Wing briefing, pre-fight check & takeoff, through the bomb run and final touch down. But this is much more than a typical Air Force information film -- it's more like a home movie. You'll see Capt. Dietrich and his crew relaxing in a grass hut, sipping PBRs at the end of the runway, shooting the bull & watching the big Buffs takeoff.
* Target for Tonight follows Group Captain Percy Charles "Pick" Pickard and the crew "F for Freddie," a Vicker's Wellington medium bomber (Millerton Station, Group 33), through an entire low level night mission attacking a oil storage depot at a rail yard. Notice how the film highlights the participation of not only servicemen from all classes from around the British Isles, but also Canadians and a navigator that sounds a lot like a Yank volunteer.
* B-24 Liberators Over Europe; 1942-1945 is a remarkable film produced by the Eighth Air Force from combat camera footage showing B-24s in action over Europe. From Ploesti to Berlin, you'll discover memorable Liberator scenes not found anywhere else, including pulse pounding air attacks. You'll see B-24 crews up close too, along with their ships.
We also show 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy pilot training films and pilot's manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! - don't miss the F-86, B-47 & B-58!
Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In
World War II Aviation Videos Playing Online 24/7
Zeno's Flight Shop DVD Store http://www.zenosflightshop.com
World's Largest selection of WW2 & vintage jet videos
Your DVD purchases make possible Zeno's Drive-In web site and all the videos you watch on it.
Now on Twitter @ZenosWarbirds
Web Videos:Airborne D-Day, Normandy Typhoons,Mosquitoes,P-40F,75mm B-25s,B-24s,B-52s
Hello World War 2 & jet aircraft fans --
You are invited to drop by Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com to view our June 2016 selection of eight exciting films streaming over the Web in broadband, including three premieres!
As always, all of the videos showing on our web site are for your free viewing pleasure. Please help "spread the word" by liking us on Facebook!
Now showing in June "At the Matinee" at Zeno's Drive-In Free admission!

* R.A.F. Bostons, Mosquitoes, Typhoons & G.C. Pickard's Last Mission1944. NEW! "The Gen" was a film news series produced the Royal Air Force & shown to service personnel, selected scenes from which are shown here. Highlights include R.A.F. Douglas Boston Attack Bombers make a very low level attack on an armaments factory in France; "The Independent Air Force" & their de Havilland Mosquitoes; Group Captain Percy Charles "Pick" Pickard's last mission, a low level precision Mosquito strike to free French Resistance fighters from a German prison in Amiens, France, and R.A.F. Hawker Typhoon fighter/bombers use rockets and canon to support the Allied breakout from Normandy after the D-Day landings.

*Army Air forces Alerts: Merlin P-40-Fs, .50 Caliber Jams & Turbo Superchargers 1943. NEW. Army Air Forces Alerts? were produced by the Air Force testing & development center at Wright Field during World War 2 to inform service personnel of the latest technological advances in aviation, communications, weapons and ordnance, and to give "heads ups?" on potential problems and how to deal with them. Segments featured here introduced adding Rolls Royce designed Merlin engines (built under license by Packard) to the Curtiss P-40F, how to deal with bullet jamming in .50 caliber machine guns used in bombers, and the theory and practice of using turbo superchargers in aircraft engines, in this case, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighter.

* U.S. Navy Gunfire Strikes on North Vietnam. NEW This classified US Navy report made during the Vietnam War, Surface Strikes tells the fascinating, and now largely forgotten story of 7th Fleet hit run gunfire surface attacks conducted by destroyers and cruisers, close to the shores of North Vietnam in support of Operations Linebacker 1 & 2 starting in April 1972 through January 1973. The overall objective was to disrupt enemy lines of communication in support of ongoing air strikes. There is a frank discussion of the overall effectiveness of these attacks.

* DZ Normandy.The D-Day Airborne Invasion, June 6th, 1944. "DZ Normandy: The Employment of Troop Carrier Forces" was produced during World War 2 to show the strategic and tactical planning that went into the airborne component of the June 6th, 1944 D-Day invasion as well as document the actual proceedings. It was originally only shown to airborne troops as part of their training and was declassified after the end of the War. Of special interest is the detailed depiction of the development of glider troop transport and doctrine. Great footage of 82nd & 101st Division paratroopers too. If you think you've seen all the surviving footage about Normandy operations, this film will be an eye opener.

* B-25s: Winged Artillery. Nine 75mm cannon firing B-25Gs of the 48th Bomb Squadron, 7AAF, based on Apamama in the Gilbert Islands, conduct a hair raising tree top level strike on the Japanese air base on Mille. Also features amazingly well preserved and very rare color footage of daily life of air crew and ground personnel stationed on the islands. As a bonus, you'll watch Sea Bees using heavy equipment to transform these hard won tropical atolls into fully functioning air bases and ground crews maintaining the Mitchell's massive canons.

* B-52 Vietnam. The focus of this dramatic film is an "Arc Light" bombing mission flown by Pilot Captain George Dietrich and the crew of B-52 D "075," 4258th Strategic Wing out of U Tapao, Thailand in support of the besieged marine base at Khe Sahn in 1968. You'll see every aspect of the mission from Wing briefing, pre-fight check & takeoff, through the bomb run and final touch down. But this is much more than a typical Air Force information film -- it's more like a home movie. You'll see Capt. Dietrich and his crew relaxing in a grass hut, sipping PBRs at the end of the runway, shooting the bull & watching the big Buffs takeoff.

* Target for Tonight follows Group Captain Percy Charles "Pick" Pickard and the crew "F for Freddie," a Vicker's Wellington medium bomber (Millerton Station, Group 33), through an entire low level night mission attacking a oil storage depot at a rail yard. Notice how the film highlights the participation of not only servicemen from all classes from around the British Isles, but also Canadians and a navigator that sounds a lot like a Yank volunteer.

* B-24 Liberators Over Europe; 1942-1945 is a remarkable film produced by the Eighth Air Force from combat camera footage showing B-24s in action over Europe. From Ploesti to Berlin, you'll discover memorable Liberator scenes not found anywhere else, including pulse pounding air attacks. You'll see B-24 crews up close too, along with their ships.
We also show 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy pilot training films and pilot's manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! - don't miss the F-86, B-47 & B-58!
Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In
World War II Aviation Videos Playing Online 24/7
Zeno's Flight Shop DVD Store http://www.zenosflightshop.com
World's Largest selection of WW2 & vintage jet videos
Your DVD purchases make possible Zeno's Drive-In web site and all the videos you watch on it.
Now on Twitter @ZenosWarbirds
Web Videos:Airborne D-Day, Normandy Typhoons,Mosquitoes,P-40F,75mm B-25s,B-24s,B-52s