Photos The Most Amazing Military Photo I Ever Saw


Mi Lance corporal
MI.Net Member
Feb 20, 2016
Having spent so much time trawling the internet for military pictures I can say that along the way I have seen some amazing photos that really had an impact on me for one reason or another.

I thought it would be a good idea to create a thread where we can post those photos and explain why they were so impactive.

Here is one that I thought was awesome


I was so impressed by this picture and I couldnt help wondering how the British soldier felt when he realised that the very thing designed to take life was the item that saved his. Incredible.

Anyway if you have seen a photo that had a real impact on you why not post it here and explain why it was so imapctive.
Great Idea!

Here is one that sprang to mind instantly. It is a photo of Soviet Paratroopers climbing out onto the wings of a Tupolev TB-3 (WW2 I think)
The reason it springs to mind is because I once did a Parachute jump and I will never do it again. The fact that these guys are having to climb out on to the wing made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It was bad enough jumping from the door of the aircraft, this is crazy stuff.


I am sure as I dig around I will find others too. :eek:
Here is another amazing photo of NebelWerfer rockets actually in flight. I have seen many photos of the Nebelwerfer but none that show the projectiles en route to the target. (seen here in poland 1944)

nebel werfer-poland-september-1944.webp
Incredible @diman
What were the chances of that happening :eek:
Great thread! My personal favorite would be pretty much everything by Nir Ben Yosef
What I love about his photographs is that each one of them tells a story. There´s drama. There´s mood. There´s a mighty force. Then there´s the visual side of that, which is just amazing. He captures the pure essence of the IDF´s remarkable aircrafts and operations.

Awesome shot
A US Marine Corps KC-130 Hercules flaring

aircraft flaring.webp

I can't blame the ARVIN for blowing the VC away - he murdered the ARVIN's family. It's a graphic reminder life was cheap in those unhappy times. SW
View attachment 111414

I can't blame the ARVIN for blowing the VC away - he murdered the ARVIN's family. It's a graphic reminder life was cheap in those unhappy times. SW
Ngoc Loan, chief of the National Police, fires his pistol into the head of suspected Viet Cong officer Nguyen Van Lem (also known as Bay Lop) on a Saigon street Feb. 1, 1968, early in the Tet Offensive.

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