Funny Teacher poems

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004
Teacher taking class for poetry asks them to make up a poem about their names. After a few minutes she asked if anyone had made a poem up.

A little lad stands up and says

My name is Dan
When I grow up I want to be a man
And sail to China and Japan
If I can.

Very good said the teacher

So a little girl stands up and says.

My name is Mary Brady
I want to grow up and be a lady
Have a baby
If I may be.

Another lad stands up and says

My name is also Dan
Bugger China and Japan
If Mary Brady wants that baby
Then I’m her bloody man.
Still on poetry the teacher changes tact and say that the poem must end in the words Timbuktu.

A little girl stands up and says.

I saw a ship out at sea
And it had a happy crew
I knew that they were happy
For they were off to Timbuktu.

The teacher said very good, and the second Dan stood up again. The teacher knowing what his poetry was like reminded him that it must end in Timbuktu. To which he replied, it does miss is does.

Tim and I down by the River Trent
Saw three girls pitching a tent
We had nothing better to do
So I bucked one and Tim bucked two.
Dan is my man!!!rbo; LMAOWPMP!!!
I got one but it may be wierd

Glory Glory Hallelujah.
my teacher hit me with a rula
i hid behind the door
with my loaded .44
now my teacher don't hit me no more
The teacher’s taking the class for spelling, so she goes to the first child and asked what type of job her father does.

The child answers “My daddy’s a fireman.”
“Can you spell fireman for me?”
The child says “f..i..r..e..m..a..n. fireman.”
“Very good.” says the teacher and moves onto the next child.

“And what does your daddy do?”
“My dad’s a sheetmetal worker in Sheffield.”
“Can you spell sheetmetal.”
The child starts “s..h..i..t.”
“No no,” says the teacher, “try again.”
“No, here;s a piece of chalk you may be able to write it better.”
She moves into the next child saying “What does your daddy do?”
“My father’s a Turf Accountant, he takes bets on horses and dogs.”
“Can you spell Turf Accountant?”
No miss, but I’ll give you 6 to 4 you get **** on the blackboard.