Other Post REed Arrows near miss

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004
Red Arrows narrowly avoided disaster with passenger plane

A Red Arrows display team narrowly avoided a mid-air collision with a passenger plane during a show, a report has disclosed.

The nine Hawk jets came within a "short distance" of a BMI Baby Boeing 737 as they performed in poor weather conditions above Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, in August last year.

The report said Bristol air traffic controllers, acting on an ambiguous position report in poor weather, instructed the hawks to climb to the level of the Boeing.

The lead Hawk pilot spotted the plane through the clouds and performed a dramatic evasive manoeuvre.

The team "levelled off" at 1,500ft and watched as the passenger aircraft came within 900ft vertically and 0.7 miles horizontally of their jets.

Reporting its findings, the Airprox board praised the actions of the Hawk pilots for averting a possible disaster.

It stated: "Fortunately, after commencing climb the Hawk lead had seen the B737 and had immediately levelled off at 1,500ft and informed air traffic control of the potential collision.

"These timely actions left the board in no doubt that any risk of collision had been quickly and effectively removed."

The near miss happened as the team performed above Weston-super-Mare on Aug 9 last year following the fire which had destroyed the resort's Grand Pier pavilion a month earlier.

The Red Arrows were advised by Bristol Approach Radar Control (APR) to ascend to 2,500ft to improve radar contact which had been affected by poor weather.

But as the team, which was flying in three rows, began its ascent the lead pilot spotted the Boeing 737 through the clouds and took evasive action.

Bristol Air Traffic Control said it was not aware of the Boeing, which was under the direction of Cardiff Air control where it was due to land.

The pilot of the B737, which can carry up to 158 passengers and was believed to be travelling from Spain, said in the report that at no point were the Hawks close enough to "cause concern" to his plane.

The UK Airprox board is funded by the Ministry of Defence and the Civil Aviation Authority.

An MoD spokesman said: "Lessons identified within the detailed report have been highlighted to all Royal Air Force aerobatics team pilots.

"Safety is of primary concern to the Red Arrows in all aspects of aviation.

"The timely actions of the pilots concerned left the board in no doubt that any risk of collision had been quickly and effectively avoided."

As a result of the investigation the Airprox board gave the incident a C rating, out of an A-D grading, with A being the most serious.

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