- Joined
- Jan 21, 2002
- Messages
- 6,639
- Points
- 433
RAF Squadron Motto's
The number to the left relates to the Squadron number
1 In Omnibus Princeps (Foremost in everything)
2 Hereward
3 Teritius primus erit (The third shall be first)
4 In futurum videre (Tosee into the future)
5 Frangas non electas (Thou mayest break but shall not bend me)
6 Oculi exercitus (The eyes of the Army)
7 Per diem per noctem (Dy day and by night)
8 Uspianm et passim (Everywhere unbounded)
9 Per noctem volamus (Through out the night we fly)
10 Rem acu tengere (To hit the mark)
11 Ociores acrioresque aquilis (Swifter and keener than eagles)
12 Leads the field
13 Adjuvamus tuendo (We assist by watching)
14 I spread my wings and keep my promise
15 Aim Sure
16 Operta aperta (Hidden things are revealed)
17 Excellere contende (Strive to excel)
18 Animo et Fide (With courage and faith)
19 Possunt quia posse videntur (They can because they think they can)
20 Facta non vera (Deeds not words)
21 Viribus vincimus (By strength with conquer)
22 Preux et audacieux (Valiant and brave)
23 Semper agressus (Always on the attack)
24 In omnia paratia (Prepared for all things)
25 Feriens tego (Striking I defend)
26 N Wagter in die Lug (The Watcher in the sky)
27 Quam celerime ad astra (With all speed to the stars)
28 Quicquid agas age (Whatsoever you may do, do)
29 Impiger et acer (Energetic and Keen)
30 Ventre a terre (All out)
31 In caelum indicum primus (First in Indian skies)
32 Adeste comites (Rally round, comrades)
33 Loyalty
34 Lupus vult, lupus volant (Wolf wishes, wolf flies)
35 Uno animo agimus (We act with one accord)
36 Rajawali raja langit (Eagle, King of the Sky)
37 Wise without eyes
38 Anto Lucem (Before the dawn)
39 Die Noctuque (By day and night)
40 Hostem a caelo expellere (To drive the enemy from the sky)
41 Seek and destroy
42 Fortiter in re (Bravely in action)
43 Gloria finis (Glory the aim)
44 Fulmina regis iusta (The king's thunderbolts are righteous)
45 Per ardua surgo (Through difficulties I arise)
46 We rise to conquer
47 Nili nomen roboris omen (The name of the Nile is an omen of our strength)
48 Forte et fidele (By strength and faithfulness)
49 Cave canem (Beware of the dog)
50 Sic fidem servamus (Thus we keep faith)
51 Swift and sure
52 Sudore quam snaguine (By sweat and blood)
53 United in effort
54 Audax omnia perpeti (Boldness endures everything)
55 Nil nos tremefacit (Nothing makes us afraid)
56 Quid si coelum ruat (What if heaven falls)
57 Corpus non animum muto (I change my body, not my spirit)
58 Alis nocturnis (On the wings of the night)
59 Ab uno disce omnes (From one learn all)
60 Per ardua ad aethera tendo (I strive through difficulties to the sky)
61 Per puram tonantes (Thundering through the clear air)
62 Insperato (Unexpectedly)
63 Pone nos ad hostem (Follow us to find the enemy)
64 Tenax propositi (Firm of purpose)
65 Vi et armis (By force of arms)
66 Cavete praemonui (Beware, I have warned)
67 No odds too great
68 (Always Ready)
69 With vigilance we serve
70 Usquam (Anywhere)
71 First from the eyries
72 Swift
73 Tutor et ultor (Protector and Defender)
74 I fear no man
75 Ake ake kia kaha (For ever and ever be strong)
76 Resolute
77 Esse potius quam videri (To be, rather than to seem)
78 Nemo non paratus (Nobody unprepared)
79 Nil nobis obstare potest (Nothing can withstand us)
80 Strike true
81 Non solum nobis (Not only by us)
82 Super omnia ubique (Over all things everywhere)
83 Strike to defend
84 Scorpiones pungunt (Scorpions sting)
85 Noctu diuque venamur (We hunt by day and night)
86 Ad libertatem volamus (We fly for liberty)
87 Maximus me metuit (The most powerful fear me)
88 En garde (Be on you guard)
89 Def auxilio telis meis (By the help of God, with my own weapons)
90 Celer (Swift)
91 We seek alone
92 Aut pugna aut morere (Either fight or die)
93 Ad arma parati (Prepared at arms)
94 Avenge
95 Trans mare exivi (I went out over the sea)
96 nocturni obambulamus (We stalk by night)
97 Achieve your aim
98 Never failing
99 Quisque tenaz (Each tenacious)
100 Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok (Malay) (Don't let anyone attack the hornet's nest)
101 Mens afitat molem (Mind over matter)
102 Tenate et perficite (Attempt and achieve)
103 Noli me tangere (Touch me not)
104 Strike Hard
105 Fortis in proelis (Valiant in battles)
106 Pro libertate (For freedom)
107 Nous y serons (We shall be there)
108 Viribus contractis (With gathered strength)
109 Primi hastati (The first of the legion)
110 Nex timeo nec sperno (I neither fear nor despie)
111 Adstantes (Standing to)
112 Swift in destruction
113 Velox et vindex (Swift and vengeful)
114 With speed I strike
115 Despite the elements
117 It shall be done
118 Occido redeoque (I kill and return)
119 By night and by day
120 Endurance
121 For Liberty
122 Victuri volamus (We fly to victory)
123 Swift to strike
124 Danger is our opportunity
125 Nunquam domandi (Never to be tamed)
126 Foremost in attack
127 Eothen (Out of the East)
128 Fulminis instar (Like a thunderbolt)
129 I will defend the right
130 Strong to serve
131 Invicta
132 Cave leopardum (Beware the leopard)
133 Let us to the battle
134 Per ardua volabimus (We will fly through hardships)
135 Pennas ubique monstramus (We show our wings everywhere)
136 Nihil fortius (Nothing is stronger)
137 Do right-fear naught
138 For freedom
139 Si placet necamus (We destroy at will)
140 Foresight
141 Caedimus Noctu (We stay by night)
142 Determination
143 Vincere est vivere (To conquer is to live)
144 Who shall stop us
145 Diu noctuque pugnamus (We fight by day and night)
146 Percutit insidians pardus (The watchful panther strikes)
147 Assidue potamus (We carry with regularity)
148 Trusty
149 Fortis nocte (Strong by night)
150 Always ahead
151 Foy pour devoir (Fidelity into duty)
152 Faithful ally
153 Noctividus (We see by night)
154 His modis ad victoriam (By this means to victory)
155 Eternal vigilance
156 We light the way
157 Our cannon speak our thoughts
158 Strength in unity
159 Quo non, quando non (Wither not? when not?)
160 Api soya paragasamu (We seek and strike)
161 Liberate
162 One time, one purpose
164 Firmes volamos (Firmly we fly)
165 Infensa virtuti invidia (Envy to the foe of honour)
166 Tenacity
167 Ubique sine mora (Everywhere without delay)
168 Rerum cognoscere causas (To know the cause of things)
169 Hunt and destroy
170 Videre non videri (To see (and) not be seen)
171 Per dolum defendimus (We defend by confusion)
172 Insidiantibus insidiamur (We ambush the ambushers)
174 Attack
175 Stop at nothing
176 Noctea custodimus (We guard by night)
177 Silenter in medias res (Silently into the midst of things)
178 Irae emissarii (Emissaries of wrath)
179 Delentem deleo (I destroy the destroyer)
180 Suaviter in modo fortiter in re (Agreeably in manner, forcibly in act)
181 Irruimus vastatum (We rush in to destroy)
182 Fearless I direct my flight
183 Versatility
184 Nihil impenetrabile (Nothing impenetrable)
185 Ara fejn hu (Look where it is)
187 Versatile
190 Ex tenebris (Through darkness)
191 Vidi, vici (I saw , I conquered)
192 Dare to discover
193 Aera et terram imperare (To conquer the air and the ground)
194 Surrigere colligere (To rise and to pick up)
195 Velocitate fortis (Strong by speed)
196 Sic fidem servamus (Thus we keep faith)
197 Findimus caelum (We cleave the sky)
198 Igni renarus (We are reborn by fire)
199 Let tyrants tremble
200 In loco parentis (We act as guardians)
201 Hic et ubique (Here and everywhere)
202 Semper vigilate (Be always vigiliant)
203 Occidens oriendsque (East and west)
204 Praedam mari quaero (I seek my prey in the sea)
205 Pertama di-Malya (Malayan) (First in Malaya)
206 Nihil nos effugit (Nothing escapes us)
207 Semper paratus (Always prepared)
208 Vigilant
209 Might and main
210 Yn y mwyfre yn hedfan (Hovering in the heavens)
211 Toujours a propos (Always at the right moment)
212 Amari ad astra (From the sea to the stars)
213 Irritatus lacessit crabro (The hornet attacks when roused)
214 Ultor in umbris (Avenging in the shadows)
215 Surgite nox adest (Arise night is at hand)
216 CCXVI dona ferens (216 bearing gifts)
217 Woe to the unwary
218 In time
219 From dusk till dawn
220 We observe unseen (Greek)
221 From sea to sea
222 Pambili bo (Zulu) (Go straight ahead)
223 Aloe defedunt Africam (Wings defend Africa)
224 Fedele all'amico (Faithful to a friend)
225 We guide the sword
226 Non sibi sed patria (For country not for self)
228 Auxilium a caelo (Help from the heavens)
229 Be bold
230 Kita chari jauh (We seek far)
232 Strike
233 Fortis et Fidelis (Strong and fiathful)
234 Ignem mortemque despuimus (We spit fire and death)
235 Jaculamur Humi (We strike them to the ground)
236 Speculiate nuntiate (Having watched bring word)
237 Primum agmen in caelo (The vanguard in the heavens)
238 Ad finem (To the end)
239 Exploramus (We explore)
240 Sjo Vordur Lopt Vordur (Guardian of the sea, guardian of the air)
241 Find and forewan
242 Toujours pret (Always ready)
243 Swift in pursuit
245 fugo non fugio (I put to flight; I do not flee)
247 Rise from the east
248 Il faut finir (It is necessary to make an end of it)
249 Pugnis et calcibus (With fists and heels)
250 Close to the sun
252 With or on
253 Come one, come all
254 Fljuga vakta ok Ijosta (To fly, to watch and to strike)
255 Ad auroram (To the break of dawn)
256 Addimus vim viribus (Strength to strength)
257 Thay myay gyee shin shwe hti (Death or glory)
258 In medias res (In the thick of things)
259 Haya ingia napigane (Get in a fight)
260 Celer et Fortis (Swift and strong)
261 Semper contendo (I always fight)
263 Ex ungue leonem (By his claws one knows the lion)
264 We defy
266 Hlabezulu
267 Sine Mora (Without delay)
268 Adjidaumo (Tail-in-the-air)
269 Omnia videmus (We see all things)
271 Death and life
272 On, on!
274 Supero (I conquer)
295 In caelo auxilium (Help from the skies)
296 Prepared for all things
298 Silent we strike
310 We fight to rebuild
311 Na mnozstvi nehledte (Never regard their numbers)
312 Non multi sed multa (Not many but much)
313 Jeden jestrab mnoko vran rozhan (One hawk chases away many crows)
320 Animo libero dirigimur (We are guided by the mind of liberty)
322 Niet praten maar doen (Don't prattle, act)
330 Trygg haver (Guarding the seas)
331 For Norge
332 Samhold i strid
333 For Konge, federland og flaggets heder (For King, Country and the honour of the flag)
341 Friendship
342 Nous y sommes (Here we are)
345 Nil actum credo si quid supersil agendum (I think nothing done if anything remains undone)
349 Strike hard, strike home
350 Belgae Gallorum fortissimi (Of all the inhabitants of Gaul, the Belgains were the bravest)
353 Fear nought in unity
355 Liberamus per caerula (We liberate through tropical skies)
356 We bring freedom and assistance
357 Mortem hostibus (We bring death to the enemy)
358 Alere flammam (To feed the flame)
400 Percussuri vigiles (On the watch to strike)
401 Mors celerrima hostibus (Very swift death for the enemy)
403 Stalk and strike
404 Ready to fight
405 Duicmus (We lead)
406 We kill by night
407 To hold on high
408 For freedom
409 Media nox meridies noster (Midnight is our noon)
410 Noctivaga (Wandering by night)
411 inimicus inimico (Hostile to the enemy)
412 Promptus ad vindictum (Swift to avenge)
413 Ad vigilamus undis (We watch the waves)
415 Ad metam (To the mark)
416 Ad saltum paratus (Ready for the leap)
417 Supporting liberty and justice
418 Piyautailili (Defend even unto death)
419 Moosa aswayita
420 Pugnamus finitum (We fight to a finish)
421 Bellicum cecinere (They have sounded the war trumpet)
422 This arm shall do it
423 Quaerimus et petimus (We search and strike)
424 Castigandos castigamus (We chastise those who deserve to be chastised)
425 Je te plumerai (I shall pluck you)
426 On wings of fire
427 Ferte manus certas (Strike sure)
428 Usque ad finem (To the very end)
429 Fortunae nihil (Nothing to chance)
431 The hatiten ronteriios (Warriors of the air)
432 Saeviter ad lucem (Ferociously towards the light)
433 Quis 'y frotte s'y pique (Who opposes it gets hurt)
434 In excelsis vincimus (We conquer in the heights)
435 Certi provehendi (Determined on delivery)
436 Onus portamus (We carry the load)
437 Omnia passim (Anything anywhere)
450 Harass
453 Ready to strike
455 Strike and strike again
460 Strike and return
461 They shall not pass unseen
463 Press on regardless
464 Aequo animo (Equanimity)
485 Ka whawhai tonu (We will fight on)
486 Hiwa hau Maka (Beware of the wild winds)
487 Ki te mutunga (Through to the end)
488 Ka ngarue ratau (We shake them)
489 Whatatanagata kia kaha (Quit ye like men, be strong)
490 Taniwha kei runga (The Taniwha is in the air)
500 Quo fata vocent (Whither the fates may call)
501 Nil time (Fear nothing)
502 Niil timeo (I fear nothing)
504 Vindicat in ventis (It avenges in the wind)
511 Surely and quickly
512 Pegasus militaris (Pegasus at war)
514 Nil obstare potest (Nothing can withstand)
515 Celeriter ferite ut hostes necetis
540 Sine qua non (Indespensable)
541 Alone above all
542 Above all
543 Valiant and vigiliant
544 Quaero (I seek)
547 Celer ad caedendum
550 Per ignem vincimus (Through fire we conquer)
570 Impetum deducimus (We launch the spearhead)
575 The air is our path
576 Carpe diem (Seize the opportunity)
578 Accuracy
582 Proevolmaus designates (We fly before marking)
600 Praeter sescentos (More than six hundred)
602 Cave leonem cruciatum (Beware the tormented lion)
603 Gin ye daur (If you dare)
604 Si vix pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war)
605 Nunquam dormio (I never sleep)
607 No motto
608 Omnibus ungulis (With all talons)
609 Tally ho
610 Alifero tollitur axe ceres (Ceres rising in a winged car)
611 Beware! Beware!
612 Vigilando Custodimus (We stand guard by vilgilance)
613 Semper Parati (Always ready)
614 Codaf I geislo (Welsh) (I rise to search)
615 Conjunctis viribus
616 a rosa sine spina (No rose without a thorn)
617 Apres moi, le deluge (After me the flood)
620 Dona ferentes adsumus (We are coming bearing gifts)
622 Bellamus noctu (We wage war by night)
625 We avenge
626 To strive and not to yeild
627 At first sight
630 Nocturna mors (Death by night)
635 Nos ducimus ceteri secunter (We lead, others follow)
644 Dentes draconis serimus (We sow the dragon's teeth)
683 Nihil nos later (Nothing escapes us)
684 Invisus videns (Seing through unseed)
692 Polus dum sidera pascet (So long as the sky shall feed the stars)
The number to the left relates to the Squadron number
1 In Omnibus Princeps (Foremost in everything)
2 Hereward
3 Teritius primus erit (The third shall be first)
4 In futurum videre (Tosee into the future)
5 Frangas non electas (Thou mayest break but shall not bend me)
6 Oculi exercitus (The eyes of the Army)
7 Per diem per noctem (Dy day and by night)
8 Uspianm et passim (Everywhere unbounded)
9 Per noctem volamus (Through out the night we fly)
10 Rem acu tengere (To hit the mark)
11 Ociores acrioresque aquilis (Swifter and keener than eagles)
12 Leads the field
13 Adjuvamus tuendo (We assist by watching)
14 I spread my wings and keep my promise
15 Aim Sure
16 Operta aperta (Hidden things are revealed)
17 Excellere contende (Strive to excel)
18 Animo et Fide (With courage and faith)
19 Possunt quia posse videntur (They can because they think they can)
20 Facta non vera (Deeds not words)
21 Viribus vincimus (By strength with conquer)
22 Preux et audacieux (Valiant and brave)
23 Semper agressus (Always on the attack)
24 In omnia paratia (Prepared for all things)
25 Feriens tego (Striking I defend)
26 N Wagter in die Lug (The Watcher in the sky)
27 Quam celerime ad astra (With all speed to the stars)
28 Quicquid agas age (Whatsoever you may do, do)
29 Impiger et acer (Energetic and Keen)
30 Ventre a terre (All out)
31 In caelum indicum primus (First in Indian skies)
32 Adeste comites (Rally round, comrades)
33 Loyalty
34 Lupus vult, lupus volant (Wolf wishes, wolf flies)
35 Uno animo agimus (We act with one accord)
36 Rajawali raja langit (Eagle, King of the Sky)
37 Wise without eyes
38 Anto Lucem (Before the dawn)
39 Die Noctuque (By day and night)
40 Hostem a caelo expellere (To drive the enemy from the sky)
41 Seek and destroy
42 Fortiter in re (Bravely in action)
43 Gloria finis (Glory the aim)
44 Fulmina regis iusta (The king's thunderbolts are righteous)
45 Per ardua surgo (Through difficulties I arise)
46 We rise to conquer
47 Nili nomen roboris omen (The name of the Nile is an omen of our strength)
48 Forte et fidele (By strength and faithfulness)
49 Cave canem (Beware of the dog)
50 Sic fidem servamus (Thus we keep faith)
51 Swift and sure
52 Sudore quam snaguine (By sweat and blood)
53 United in effort
54 Audax omnia perpeti (Boldness endures everything)
55 Nil nos tremefacit (Nothing makes us afraid)
56 Quid si coelum ruat (What if heaven falls)
57 Corpus non animum muto (I change my body, not my spirit)
58 Alis nocturnis (On the wings of the night)
59 Ab uno disce omnes (From one learn all)
60 Per ardua ad aethera tendo (I strive through difficulties to the sky)
61 Per puram tonantes (Thundering through the clear air)
62 Insperato (Unexpectedly)
63 Pone nos ad hostem (Follow us to find the enemy)
64 Tenax propositi (Firm of purpose)
65 Vi et armis (By force of arms)
66 Cavete praemonui (Beware, I have warned)
67 No odds too great
68 (Always Ready)
69 With vigilance we serve
70 Usquam (Anywhere)
71 First from the eyries
72 Swift
73 Tutor et ultor (Protector and Defender)
74 I fear no man
75 Ake ake kia kaha (For ever and ever be strong)
76 Resolute
77 Esse potius quam videri (To be, rather than to seem)
78 Nemo non paratus (Nobody unprepared)
79 Nil nobis obstare potest (Nothing can withstand us)
80 Strike true
81 Non solum nobis (Not only by us)
82 Super omnia ubique (Over all things everywhere)
83 Strike to defend
84 Scorpiones pungunt (Scorpions sting)
85 Noctu diuque venamur (We hunt by day and night)
86 Ad libertatem volamus (We fly for liberty)
87 Maximus me metuit (The most powerful fear me)
88 En garde (Be on you guard)
89 Def auxilio telis meis (By the help of God, with my own weapons)
90 Celer (Swift)
91 We seek alone
92 Aut pugna aut morere (Either fight or die)
93 Ad arma parati (Prepared at arms)
94 Avenge
95 Trans mare exivi (I went out over the sea)
96 nocturni obambulamus (We stalk by night)
97 Achieve your aim
98 Never failing
99 Quisque tenaz (Each tenacious)
100 Sarang tebuan jangan dijolok (Malay) (Don't let anyone attack the hornet's nest)
101 Mens afitat molem (Mind over matter)
102 Tenate et perficite (Attempt and achieve)
103 Noli me tangere (Touch me not)
104 Strike Hard
105 Fortis in proelis (Valiant in battles)
106 Pro libertate (For freedom)
107 Nous y serons (We shall be there)
108 Viribus contractis (With gathered strength)
109 Primi hastati (The first of the legion)
110 Nex timeo nec sperno (I neither fear nor despie)
111 Adstantes (Standing to)
112 Swift in destruction
113 Velox et vindex (Swift and vengeful)
114 With speed I strike
115 Despite the elements
117 It shall be done
118 Occido redeoque (I kill and return)
119 By night and by day
120 Endurance
121 For Liberty
122 Victuri volamus (We fly to victory)
123 Swift to strike
124 Danger is our opportunity
125 Nunquam domandi (Never to be tamed)
126 Foremost in attack
127 Eothen (Out of the East)
128 Fulminis instar (Like a thunderbolt)
129 I will defend the right
130 Strong to serve
131 Invicta
132 Cave leopardum (Beware the leopard)
133 Let us to the battle
134 Per ardua volabimus (We will fly through hardships)
135 Pennas ubique monstramus (We show our wings everywhere)
136 Nihil fortius (Nothing is stronger)
137 Do right-fear naught
138 For freedom
139 Si placet necamus (We destroy at will)
140 Foresight
141 Caedimus Noctu (We stay by night)
142 Determination
143 Vincere est vivere (To conquer is to live)
144 Who shall stop us
145 Diu noctuque pugnamus (We fight by day and night)
146 Percutit insidians pardus (The watchful panther strikes)
147 Assidue potamus (We carry with regularity)
148 Trusty
149 Fortis nocte (Strong by night)
150 Always ahead
151 Foy pour devoir (Fidelity into duty)
152 Faithful ally
153 Noctividus (We see by night)
154 His modis ad victoriam (By this means to victory)
155 Eternal vigilance
156 We light the way
157 Our cannon speak our thoughts
158 Strength in unity
159 Quo non, quando non (Wither not? when not?)
160 Api soya paragasamu (We seek and strike)
161 Liberate
162 One time, one purpose
164 Firmes volamos (Firmly we fly)
165 Infensa virtuti invidia (Envy to the foe of honour)
166 Tenacity
167 Ubique sine mora (Everywhere without delay)
168 Rerum cognoscere causas (To know the cause of things)
169 Hunt and destroy
170 Videre non videri (To see (and) not be seen)
171 Per dolum defendimus (We defend by confusion)
172 Insidiantibus insidiamur (We ambush the ambushers)
174 Attack
175 Stop at nothing
176 Noctea custodimus (We guard by night)
177 Silenter in medias res (Silently into the midst of things)
178 Irae emissarii (Emissaries of wrath)
179 Delentem deleo (I destroy the destroyer)
180 Suaviter in modo fortiter in re (Agreeably in manner, forcibly in act)
181 Irruimus vastatum (We rush in to destroy)
182 Fearless I direct my flight
183 Versatility
184 Nihil impenetrabile (Nothing impenetrable)
185 Ara fejn hu (Look where it is)
187 Versatile
190 Ex tenebris (Through darkness)
191 Vidi, vici (I saw , I conquered)
192 Dare to discover
193 Aera et terram imperare (To conquer the air and the ground)
194 Surrigere colligere (To rise and to pick up)
195 Velocitate fortis (Strong by speed)
196 Sic fidem servamus (Thus we keep faith)
197 Findimus caelum (We cleave the sky)
198 Igni renarus (We are reborn by fire)
199 Let tyrants tremble
200 In loco parentis (We act as guardians)
201 Hic et ubique (Here and everywhere)
202 Semper vigilate (Be always vigiliant)
203 Occidens oriendsque (East and west)
204 Praedam mari quaero (I seek my prey in the sea)
205 Pertama di-Malya (Malayan) (First in Malaya)
206 Nihil nos effugit (Nothing escapes us)
207 Semper paratus (Always prepared)
208 Vigilant
209 Might and main
210 Yn y mwyfre yn hedfan (Hovering in the heavens)
211 Toujours a propos (Always at the right moment)
212 Amari ad astra (From the sea to the stars)
213 Irritatus lacessit crabro (The hornet attacks when roused)
214 Ultor in umbris (Avenging in the shadows)
215 Surgite nox adest (Arise night is at hand)
216 CCXVI dona ferens (216 bearing gifts)
217 Woe to the unwary
218 In time
219 From dusk till dawn
220 We observe unseen (Greek)
221 From sea to sea
222 Pambili bo (Zulu) (Go straight ahead)
223 Aloe defedunt Africam (Wings defend Africa)
224 Fedele all'amico (Faithful to a friend)
225 We guide the sword
226 Non sibi sed patria (For country not for self)
228 Auxilium a caelo (Help from the heavens)
229 Be bold
230 Kita chari jauh (We seek far)
232 Strike
233 Fortis et Fidelis (Strong and fiathful)
234 Ignem mortemque despuimus (We spit fire and death)
235 Jaculamur Humi (We strike them to the ground)
236 Speculiate nuntiate (Having watched bring word)
237 Primum agmen in caelo (The vanguard in the heavens)
238 Ad finem (To the end)
239 Exploramus (We explore)
240 Sjo Vordur Lopt Vordur (Guardian of the sea, guardian of the air)
241 Find and forewan
242 Toujours pret (Always ready)
243 Swift in pursuit
245 fugo non fugio (I put to flight; I do not flee)
247 Rise from the east
248 Il faut finir (It is necessary to make an end of it)
249 Pugnis et calcibus (With fists and heels)
250 Close to the sun
252 With or on
253 Come one, come all
254 Fljuga vakta ok Ijosta (To fly, to watch and to strike)
255 Ad auroram (To the break of dawn)
256 Addimus vim viribus (Strength to strength)
257 Thay myay gyee shin shwe hti (Death or glory)
258 In medias res (In the thick of things)
259 Haya ingia napigane (Get in a fight)
260 Celer et Fortis (Swift and strong)
261 Semper contendo (I always fight)
263 Ex ungue leonem (By his claws one knows the lion)
264 We defy
266 Hlabezulu
267 Sine Mora (Without delay)
268 Adjidaumo (Tail-in-the-air)
269 Omnia videmus (We see all things)
271 Death and life
272 On, on!
274 Supero (I conquer)
295 In caelo auxilium (Help from the skies)
296 Prepared for all things
298 Silent we strike
310 We fight to rebuild
311 Na mnozstvi nehledte (Never regard their numbers)
312 Non multi sed multa (Not many but much)
313 Jeden jestrab mnoko vran rozhan (One hawk chases away many crows)
320 Animo libero dirigimur (We are guided by the mind of liberty)
322 Niet praten maar doen (Don't prattle, act)
330 Trygg haver (Guarding the seas)
331 For Norge
332 Samhold i strid
333 For Konge, federland og flaggets heder (For King, Country and the honour of the flag)
341 Friendship
342 Nous y sommes (Here we are)
345 Nil actum credo si quid supersil agendum (I think nothing done if anything remains undone)
349 Strike hard, strike home
350 Belgae Gallorum fortissimi (Of all the inhabitants of Gaul, the Belgains were the bravest)
353 Fear nought in unity
355 Liberamus per caerula (We liberate through tropical skies)
356 We bring freedom and assistance
357 Mortem hostibus (We bring death to the enemy)
358 Alere flammam (To feed the flame)
400 Percussuri vigiles (On the watch to strike)
401 Mors celerrima hostibus (Very swift death for the enemy)
403 Stalk and strike
404 Ready to fight
405 Duicmus (We lead)
406 We kill by night
407 To hold on high
408 For freedom
409 Media nox meridies noster (Midnight is our noon)
410 Noctivaga (Wandering by night)
411 inimicus inimico (Hostile to the enemy)
412 Promptus ad vindictum (Swift to avenge)
413 Ad vigilamus undis (We watch the waves)
415 Ad metam (To the mark)
416 Ad saltum paratus (Ready for the leap)
417 Supporting liberty and justice
418 Piyautailili (Defend even unto death)
419 Moosa aswayita
420 Pugnamus finitum (We fight to a finish)
421 Bellicum cecinere (They have sounded the war trumpet)
422 This arm shall do it
423 Quaerimus et petimus (We search and strike)
424 Castigandos castigamus (We chastise those who deserve to be chastised)
425 Je te plumerai (I shall pluck you)
426 On wings of fire
427 Ferte manus certas (Strike sure)
428 Usque ad finem (To the very end)
429 Fortunae nihil (Nothing to chance)
431 The hatiten ronteriios (Warriors of the air)
432 Saeviter ad lucem (Ferociously towards the light)
433 Quis 'y frotte s'y pique (Who opposes it gets hurt)
434 In excelsis vincimus (We conquer in the heights)
435 Certi provehendi (Determined on delivery)
436 Onus portamus (We carry the load)
437 Omnia passim (Anything anywhere)
450 Harass
453 Ready to strike
455 Strike and strike again
460 Strike and return
461 They shall not pass unseen
463 Press on regardless
464 Aequo animo (Equanimity)
485 Ka whawhai tonu (We will fight on)
486 Hiwa hau Maka (Beware of the wild winds)
487 Ki te mutunga (Through to the end)
488 Ka ngarue ratau (We shake them)
489 Whatatanagata kia kaha (Quit ye like men, be strong)
490 Taniwha kei runga (The Taniwha is in the air)
500 Quo fata vocent (Whither the fates may call)
501 Nil time (Fear nothing)
502 Niil timeo (I fear nothing)
504 Vindicat in ventis (It avenges in the wind)
511 Surely and quickly
512 Pegasus militaris (Pegasus at war)
514 Nil obstare potest (Nothing can withstand)
515 Celeriter ferite ut hostes necetis
540 Sine qua non (Indespensable)
541 Alone above all
542 Above all
543 Valiant and vigiliant
544 Quaero (I seek)
547 Celer ad caedendum
550 Per ignem vincimus (Through fire we conquer)
570 Impetum deducimus (We launch the spearhead)
575 The air is our path
576 Carpe diem (Seize the opportunity)
578 Accuracy
582 Proevolmaus designates (We fly before marking)
600 Praeter sescentos (More than six hundred)
602 Cave leonem cruciatum (Beware the tormented lion)
603 Gin ye daur (If you dare)
604 Si vix pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war)
605 Nunquam dormio (I never sleep)
607 No motto
608 Omnibus ungulis (With all talons)
609 Tally ho
610 Alifero tollitur axe ceres (Ceres rising in a winged car)
611 Beware! Beware!
612 Vigilando Custodimus (We stand guard by vilgilance)
613 Semper Parati (Always ready)
614 Codaf I geislo (Welsh) (I rise to search)
615 Conjunctis viribus
616 a rosa sine spina (No rose without a thorn)
617 Apres moi, le deluge (After me the flood)
620 Dona ferentes adsumus (We are coming bearing gifts)
622 Bellamus noctu (We wage war by night)
625 We avenge
626 To strive and not to yeild
627 At first sight
630 Nocturna mors (Death by night)
635 Nos ducimus ceteri secunter (We lead, others follow)
644 Dentes draconis serimus (We sow the dragon's teeth)
683 Nihil nos later (Nothing escapes us)
684 Invisus videns (Seing through unseed)
692 Polus dum sidera pascet (So long as the sky shall feed the stars)