Other Post Post your Internet speed

20Mbs is the fastest I can get with centurylink in Cedar Rapids. If I had a cable modem I could get those superfast speeds...don't really need it.

Here's mine. It suits me well.

We stream a lot with netflix, hulu, youtube & others. And we have seldom had any issues despite our speed grade of D+.:confused:
WOW!! thats incredible speed :eek:
Not the fastest, not the most expensive, provider, on the outskirts of the city

note: the subscrition is for 1Gbpsec but my computer is older than 6 yers , so my processor becom full in the speetest . with an laptop with i7 processor i get like 900 mb/sec on download
the cost of the subscrison is like 10 euros /month
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Unsure but i've no net connection on the pc .tonight

Can't connect . Only have the phone to access
I dream of speeds like that, just had a look at race communications

Speeds like that aint cheap either mil-smile04
This was used to be my speed back in the days when I was working for the University of Potsdam in Germany


And right know the internet I am using my local residence in Turkey. I wanted to make it at least 100/100 mbps upload & download however my provider informed me that the cable infrastructure of my old building can't handle that kind of speed and this was the best option for me. Currently It works well for me but I kinda miss the one I was using in Germany

Living in Australia and just changed from DSL to Broadband, really happy with my speed but then again a cripple is always going to be happy if he can crawl! (Y)

Compared to some of the speeds in this thread it's pretty crap:

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