
Mi General
MI.Net Member
Aug 28, 2015
Bombardier - BZ,

Hey, it’s me “uktabber” mate, I have had an issue with access recently while away from home and since I had selected “always stay logged in” I had forgotten my password (of course) and could not guess it right to save my soul. I couldn’t log back in to the site!! Damn nightmare! And now, I've even mucked up the "always stay logged in" part and I can't get on the site as my User "uktabber" and worse yet, I've lost my status, and permissions to communicate directly with anyone so I'm having to post this on a thread and hope that you guys see it!!! PLEASE HELP!!??

Sooo, I’ve had to “rejoin” as “uktabber1” hence you’ve sent me a new member message!! I had been away and had no way to get in touch with anyone directly not using my regular computer, I did send BZ a message before I left to travel because I anticipated a problem about how to reset my password before this mess occurred, when I was still getting into the site as uktabber but once it scrammed my PW and acct. I was screwed and could not get back in to the site to see what BZ messaged back!! I would love to keep using my old login, rank status, and bio etc. etc., and be “ME” again but I cannot even guess what the PW is at all anymore, so I can I do that and keep my rank and status etc?? Can you help me out with that??? I can create a new PW on the old acct. and just get going from there if you can put me in the right place, if you can set that up for me and I’ll write the damn new PW down in my PW file on my phone so I can keep using my original acct. that’s what I want to do if I can???
LMK please? I hate to start all over again…… L

Thanks mate!

uktabber (and now uktabber1as well)