Politics Ascension Island considered as outpost for asylum centre


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MI.Net Member
Apr 12, 2019

and about time to - to be honest I would have used one of the islands of Scotland years ago- stimulate Scottish economy :rolleyes:

stop talking about it and do it - and move all the illegals who are already here there as well
It’s well understood that asylum seekers cost you guys money. They do to the rest of continental Europe too, just yesterday some refugees « camp » was disbanded in Calais only to relocate them to various flats and shelters wherever that’s possible and available.

There’s no easy solution to this, but seriously I’m not insane to the point of some Labor PMs possibly claiming this island will be some little Auschwitz but what are these migrants/refugees going to do on this tiny island in the middle of the Atlantic?

Displacing the problem is not a solution, IMO.
Displacing the problem is not a solution, IMO.
Works for Australia

Any claim should be heard the same day - refused and the person returned to their country of origin

Lawyers should be paid on a no win no pay basis - and there should be no wins - in fact deport the lawyers as well

We could always use the Falklands - you can have citizenship of the UK if you work on South Georgia for 5 years as it needs a decent airstrip
I’m a fierce supporter of Australia’s stance on this too.

I reckon they let in anyone « skilled » or highly educated or both. Whereas the Euro fools we are (The lefties, the « good-hearted » and lawyers) would let anyone in, and we have seen the results since 2014 and danke to Germany and Mutti, we got millions of them. Mostly uneducated, single guys. @muck interestingly mentioned in a different thread that many are leaving though, but many are still looking to come over here. Not only Syrians, at this point, half of Africa would like to come here.

A different solution would be to show Africans, as terrible as it is the footages of their fellow Africans drowing in the Mediterranean Sea, and what they should expect when coming here, since it’s not going to be the « dream life » they assume it is here.
I remember that the then Italian PM Renzi said that the EU must establish large refugee camps in Africa.
Whoever runs and builds it will have carte blanche. The Aussie version is a bloated cow. Some Scotish Island run by the Scots a better proposal. A huge deterrent.
The trip to an island robs them of being in our society, where basically they can disappear.

Logically, if we could stop the illegals, we would probably need more and lower skilled legals to come in, as those froppy-mockachinos arent going to serve themselves are they?

So the argument to the do gooders, is that basically the illegals are robbing poor black kids in africa of the legal chance to come here...that would twist em up good for a few years, while they hold focus meetings to see how they feel a bout it...

So the argument to the do gooders, is that basically the illegals are robbing poor black kids in africa of the legal chance to come here...that would twist em up good for a few years, while they hold focus meetings to see how they feel a bout it...

The elephant in the room noone talks about.
While there is a housing shortage. Its an astounding thing this need for migrants while the same politicians go on about the need for unskilled workers to fill gumboots and wash dishes. It is true that no one wants to do at low wages so they subsidize them quite cleverly by increasing the bottom wage and make it easier to train for skilled jobs. A good policy they seem to have recently become aware of.
Exact same politiains got rid of apprenticeships and made to pay to train.
Whoever runs and builds it will have carte blanche. The Aussie version is a bloated cow. Some Scotish Island run by the Scots a better proposal. A huge deterrent.
I propose Gruinard Island, not only cold and awful and off Scotland - you also get anthrax if you are lucky(Y)
An installation in some sort of offshore territory would be a good idea, I think. But Ascension Island? Come now. As far as I know, just the costs of supplying the soldiers stationed there are enormous. It'd be a ridiculously expensive undertaking to use this remote isle as a base to process hundreds if not thousands of refugees. I'm not saying this is what they should do, but a place like Man or the Channel Islands would be more suitable.


A few (mostly Syrians) are leaving by their own accord. Way more have been deported. But over 200,000 people legally liable to leave the country remain, partly due to SARS-2 and partly because of leftist politicians and lawyer-scoundrels outdoing themselves to ensure they may stay. And because their shithole home countries refuse to take them back.
An installation in some sort of offshore territory would be a good idea, I think. But Ascension Island? Come now. As far as I know, just the costs of supplying the soldiers stationed there are enormous. It'd be a ridiculously expensive undertaking to use this remote isle as a base to process hundreds if not thousands of refugees. I'm not saying this is what they should do, but a place like Man or the Channel Islands would be more suitable.


A few (mostly Syrians) are leaving by their own accord. Way more have been deported. But over 200,000 people legally liable to leave the country remain, partly due to SARS-2 and partly because of leftist politicians and lawyer-scoundrels outdoing themselves to ensure they may stay. And because their shithole home countries refuse to take them back.
Plenty of concrete structures on the Channel Islands we could reuse? ;)

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