veterans garage manchester

  1. About the Veterans Garage

    About the Veterans Garage

    Find out what the Veterans Garage is all about
  2. Veterans Garage Painting by Robb Kerr

    Veterans Garage Painting by Robb Kerr

    Presented to Veterans Garage Manchester by Veteran artist Robb Kerr
  3. Veterans Garage Signage

    Veterans Garage Signage

  4. Veterans Garage Signage 02

    Veterans Garage Signage 02

  5. Veterans Garage

    Veterans Garage

    Veterans Garage had their hero Tommy visiting today...Our mascot Frank took a real shine to him too
  6. Tommy at Veterans Garage

    Tommy at Veterans Garage

    Veterans Garage had their hero Tommy visiting today...Our mascot Frank took a real shine to him too
  7. WW2 SAS Hero Tommy Norfolk

    WW2 SAS Hero Tommy Norfolk

    Tommy Visits the site of the Veterans garage Manchester
  8. Veterans Garage 0004

    Veterans Garage 0004

  9. Veterans Garage 0003

    Veterans Garage 0003

  10. Veterans Garage 0002

    Veterans Garage 0002

  11. Veterans Garage 0001

    Veterans Garage 0001

  12. Veterans Garage Manchester Today

    Veterans Garage Manchester Today

    How the Veterans Garage looks today before work really starts
  13. Veterans Garage

    Veterans Garage

    Our charity project is to restore a listed terminal building into a community automotive club +...
  14. Veterans Garage Manchester Satelite

    Veterans Garage Manchester Satelite

  15. Veterans Garage Manchester 0002

    Veterans Garage Manchester 0002

    The plan of the Veterans Garage Manchester
  16. Veterans Garage Manchester 0001

    Veterans Garage Manchester 0001

    An artists impression of how the Veterans Garage Manchester will look
  17. Veterand Garage Plan

    Veterand Garage Plan

  18. Veterans Garage - Manchester - YouTube

    Veterans Garage - Manchester - YouTube

    Veterans Garage based at City Airport ( formally Barton Airport) - Helping veterans around the North West of England
  19. Veterans Garage Manchester

    Veterans Garage Manchester

    This is the Logo of a veterans Charity close to me and in my hometown of Manchester England It is a charity project to restore a listed terminal building into a community automotive club + classic car & motorcycle restoration project for Veterans