
  1. WW2 scenes III

    WW2 scenes III

    T-34s in ambush
  2. WW2 scenes II

    WW2 scenes II

    Captured T-34 converted to a flak wagon
  3. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    T-34 in Finn service
  4. WW2 scenes

    WW2 scenes

    Iron wheeled tank from Stalingrad Tractor Factory
  5. Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Soviet tanks abandoned after becoming stuck near the Druk River at Tolochin
  6. Industrial aspect of WW2

    Industrial aspect of WW2

    Installing guns at a T-34 assembly line, 1943.
  7. Czech military equipment

    Czech military equipment

    Czech T-34 "Zizka"
  8. 0000.tank17


    Homemade tank