


    The card is dated 30 October 1915 and reads. Dear Ethel, We have just got back from a route march. Had to cook our own dinners on the road. I have just got your two kind letters of the 11th 12th inst. Im expecting parcel tomorrow, many thanks for same. Great to hear you are all well, we are...
  2. Sign Post Unsung Hero

    Sign Post Unsung Hero

    This is a sign post near the WW2 exhibit at the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Airshow in Osh Kosh ,Wisconsin . It is exactly as the ones that were placed all around the world by servicemen . I worked with a man Carl Lindley who in WW2 was working on the Alaska road and got hurt and...
  3. Catholic prayer card

    Catholic prayer card

    Personal prayer card issued to soldiers and sailors. This card was carried by a US petroleum quartermaster corporal through the Italy campaign.
  4. German postcard/ SA Rally( Brown Shirts)S

    German postcard/ SA Rally( Brown Shirts)S

    Another post card from a flea market along time ago. I believe if my high school german isn't to rusty, it is a post card celebrating a SA rally , Adolf Hitler postage mark .
  5. ss post card (BACK)

    ss post card (BACK)

    This is the back of the SS Police post card