
  1. AAR Galileo

    Other Post EuroSatory 2018 - Photos and videos

    some news from eurosatory 2018 KNDS (Nexter/KMW) show what can be the next french-German MBT. The best of the Leo II and the Leclerc. Hull from the L 2A7 and turret front the Leclerc. there is 6000Kg left for improvement...
  2. AAR Galileo

    Video Ukraine @ Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2018

  3. AAR Galileo

    GMW ARMOR magazine - feee emagazine about tanks, warfare, .....

    ARMOR magazine is the Armor Branch’s professional-development bulletin, published bimonthly and found on-line at http://www.benning.army.mil/armor/eARMOR Check the back issues (1888 to 2007). I know in 1888 there was no PDF!! :) http://www.benning.army.mil/armor/eARMOR/BackIssues.html
  4. Russian T-90S

    Russian T-90S
