
  1. Kilo class

    Kilo class

    Iranian Navy - Kilo class submarine.
  2. Tareq


    Iranian Navy - Kilo class submarine Tareq.
  3. Kilo submarines

    Kilo submarines

    Port quarter view of Iran`s second KILO class diesel-powered submarine underway en route from the Baltic to Iranian home waters. The submarine was photographed by Light Helicopter Squadron 48 (HSL-48) from the USS SPRUANCE (DD-963). Date Shot: 01 JUL 1993 photo and description from Defense...
  4. ORP "Orzel"

    ORP "Orzel"

    Submarine 877E class (NATO: Kilo) Built in Sudomekh, Leningrad (Sankt Petersburg) In Polish Navy 1 ship per 1989. I have permission to use this pictures. This pictures is from this site