iwm duxford

  1. B-17 , Sally-B , Duxford

    B-17 , Sally-B , Duxford

  2. Conqueror Mk2 Battle Tank

    Conqueror Mk2 Battle Tank

    Shown here at Duxford Museum
  3. SA-8 GECKO

    SA-8 GECKO

    Taken at IWM Duxford Nov 2006
  4. Gloster Gladiator

    Gloster Gladiator

    Taken at IWM Duxford Nov 2006
  5. P51 Landing

    P51 Landing

    Taken at Duxford a number of years ago
  6. Vulcan


    Vulcan Bomber at Duxford
  7. Vulcan


    Vulcan Bomber at Duxford
  8. SA-8 GECKO

    SA-8 GECKO

    The SA-8 GECKO is a single-stage, solid-fuel, short-range, low-altitude, all-weather SAM system. This image was taken at Duxford
  9. ZSU 23-4

    ZSU 23-4

    Parked up outside the Tank hall at Duxford a ZSU 23-4.
  10. Side Gunner

    Side Gunner

    A sidegun position of B17 'Mary Alice' at the USA Hanger at Duxford.
  11. Spitfire


    One of the flying Spitfires based at Duxford.
  12. Scud B

    Scud B

    A Scud B parked up at Duxford in 2003.
  13. B17 Front Gun Psition

    B17 Front Gun Psition

    Front gun position of the B17 'Mary Alice' in the USA Hanger at Duxford.
  14. B17 Ball Gun

    B17 Ball Gun

    Lower gun position of B17 'Mary Alice'inside the USA Hanger at Duxford.
  15. F15


    A F15 outside the USA Hanger at Duxford
  16. B17 Controls

    B17 Controls

    Inside the B17 'Mary Alice' looking at one side of the controls - Duxford
  17. B17 Ball Gun

    B17 Ball Gun

    Inside the B17 'Mary Alice' looking at the ball gun position - Duxford
  18. B17


    B17 'Mary Alice' inside the USA Hanger at Duxford
  19. Sally B - Duxford

    Sally B - Duxford

    B17 'Sally B' landing at Duxford
  20. Vought F4U Corsair

    Vought F4U Corsair

    Vought F4U Corsair,United States WW11 . photographed at Imperial War Museum Duxford