georgian army

  1. SNAR-10 Radar

    SNAR-10 Radar

    SNAR-10 M1 self-propelled antitank radar of Georgian Army
  2. Gordus

    Mil News Repatriated body of recently kidnapped Georgian shows signs of torture

    Links: The main suspcicious fact leading to these conclusions, well besides other cases, is that the separatists vehemently refused the return of his body for over a...
  3. Kadir93

    Photos 2008 Russo-Georgian War.

    Georgian Army images from 2008 Russo-Georgian War.
  4. Presentation of Georgian vests and helmets by "Militarist's Equipment" ( eng sub ) - YouTube

    Presentation of Georgian vests and helmets by "Militarist's Equipment" ( eng sub ) - YouTube

    An English subbed short introduction to Georgian made protection gear, helmets and vests. The original video was made in 2017
  5. Talvisota

    Photos Georgian Military Forces

    Here are some pictures of Georgian armed forces :D