cancelled weapons

  1. ao_sepia

    Photos forgot,stranged shape,cancelled weapons?

    PzF 44 service in west germany 1963 cancelled in 90s,very stranged shape weapon in 60s! PzF 44 launcher and 67mm HEAT projectile (German Army manual) Loading PzF44 (from German Army manual) HEAT rocket projectile and ejection charge(German Army manual) Cutaway of PzF44 with the original...
  2. JCM in its first flight

    JCM in its first flight

    The Joint Common Missile (JCM) system is the next generation air-to-ground missile designed to replace the Longbow, Hellfire, and Maverick in U.S. Armed Forces inventory. The missile will be carried by rotary- and fixed-wing platforms as well as selected ground platforms