1. 90 K 77

    90 K 77

    90 K 77. During the Winter War France donated a large amount of 90 mm guns Materiel de 90 de campagne Mle 1877. They were used as auxiliary guns by several Finnish artillery regiments.
  2. 77 Field Bty

    77 Field Bty

    Officers of 77 Field Bty formed on the 1,10,1794 as Capt, J Hardings Coy 5 Bn R.A. Picture taken in South Africa in 1886.
  3. 77 inf regt 10 Hanover

    77 inf regt 10 Hanover

    77 inf regt leaving barracks in 1909 if you look to the top left you will see the barrack block. see heidekaserne picture for more details