Crew 6
Weight (tonnes) 28.1
Length (m) 8.48
Width (m) 3.27
Height (m) 2.75
Ground Clearance (cm) 43
Ground Pressure (kg/cubic cm) 0.63
Gun S-68
Number of Guns 2
Gun Calibre (mm) 57
Max Effective Range (optical sights, km) 4
System Reaction Time (secs) 5
Burst (rounds per sec) 4
Initial Muzzle Velocity (m/s) 1000
Max Turret Slew (degrees per second, elevation/traverse) 20/30
Tracking Rate (degrees per second, elevation/traverse) 20/30
Depression/Elevation (degree) -3 85
Ammunition Stowage 316
Max rate of Fire (rpm) 480
Turret Traverse (degrees) 30
Max Vehicle Armor (mm) 14
Engine Type V-54
Horsepower 520
Fuel Stowage (litres) 640
Max Road Range (km) 400
Max Speed (Km/h) 50
CBR Protection No
Radio R-113
[url= of Battle/PAVN/PAVN_armour2.htm]More Info[/url]