
Thomas KEOGH

Extended Description
KEOGH, Thomas. Lance Corporal 12903, 10th Cheshire Regiment died of wounds 17th August 1916 aged 26. He was born at Christchurch, Macclesfield and he is at rest Macclesfield Cemetery Cheshire.
Some notes from what remains of his army records. He enlisted on the 31st August 1914 aged 24 and 328 days. He gave his occupation as a builders labourer. He was married after he had enlisted to Miss Mary Gaskell at St Peter\'s church, Macclesfield on the 12th July 1915. Witnesses of the wedding were Edwin Keogh and Margaret Twigg. During his training he was in trouble with the civil and military authorities. While at Weston Super Mare, Somerset on the 31st January 1915 he was arrested by the Civil powers (Police) for misconduct, unlawful assault while serving with the 9th Battalion. He was given one months hard labour on the 25th February 1915. One month later to the day at Weston Super Mare he was confined to barracks for 2 days for being dirty on parade the day previous. He had not shaved and his equipment was dirty. At Prees Heath Camp, Whitchurch, Shropshire he was confined to barracks for 3 days. He was overstayed his leave from 10.pm on the 16th May 1916 till 3.pm on the 17th, 17 hours absent. The 19th July 1915 he was posted to France to join his regiment embarking from Folkestone. On the 19th November 1915 he was sent back to England suffering from mild frost bite. He was admitted into the 1st Scottish General Hospital, Aberdeen and was discharged to his depot on the 4th December 1915. On the 18th May 1916 he was returned to the front in France where he was posted to the 10th battalion and he was promoted to Lance Corporal on the 21st June 1916. While he was engaged in battle he was shot in his right knee on the 11th July 1916. His wound was treated at 76th Field Ambulance, the transferred to 44th Casualty Clearing Station and on the same day to 9th General Hospital, Rouen. From there he was invalided to England an a hospital ship, (name not recorded) He was admitted into No1, Southern General Hospital, Stourbridge on the 12th August 1916 and he died in this hospital on the 17th August 1916. His cause of death was recorded at gun shout wound to knee and secondary haemorrhage. He died at 7 pm aged 20. His wife, Mary had moved and was now living at 6, Preston Street, Macclesfield, formerly 4, Upton Cottage, Snow Hill, Macclesfield.
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