Capt. Cheatham

Spanish Campaign Army Service Medal

Spanish Campaign Army Service Medal awarded to those that served in the United States Army during the Spanish-American War, 1899.
This is the Spanish War Service Medal.

The Spanish War Service Medal was a United States military medal of the U.S. Army which was established by an act of the U.S. Congress on 9 July 1918 (40 Stat. 873). The medal recognises those members of the Army and of the U.S. Volunteers who performed active duty during the Spanish–American War, but did not qualify for the Spanish Campaign Medal.
The primary purpose for the creation of the Spanish War Service Medal was to recognise units of the Army which had performed homeland defence in the United States during the years of the Spanish–American War. The award was also presented extensively to members of the United States National Guard who had been federalised for active military duty but had not been deployed to actual combat in the Spanish-American War.

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