
Moehne Dam Present Day

  • Media owner Matzos
  • Date added
Email received from Tony Finn

The ground level photograph you show as the "Moehne Dam" is in fact the Eder Dam, the second dam breached by 617 Squadron.
The Moehne Dam never had the spillway holes partway down its structure, as seen in the photograph. The Eder Dam has them, but the ones where the breach was made were not replaced when the breach was repaired: photographs of an undamaged or rebuilt Eder thus show whether they were taken before or after the breach.
The power stations seen at each side of the foot of the dam are also characteristic of the Eder Dam, and were/are not present on the Moehne: on the Moehne, the power station stood more or less centrally, free standing, below the dam.The aerial photograph is, however, the Moehne Dam, and the position of the power station is clearly visible here. The two small buildings at the foot of each side of the Moehne are valve shelters, and both survived the raid.

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