
Lightning Strike

  • Media owner Matzos
  • Date added
The effects of three lightning strikes on a RAF Nimrod. The strikes went in through the nose and out of the tail.
Bet it was Brown trousers all round.
Damn right !

Matzos, how does a lightening strike affect an aircraft like the Nimrod?, apart from chaffing the point of impact that is.
Must've played havoc with all the electronics, surely? Not to mention the flight controls? :eek:
The Nimrod guys are not talking about it too much, but they did say that it would be on the ground for about 2 weeks so they can check all the aircraft systems. I was told by another team that it blow the radar system and some other major bits! :eek:
Wow... never knew that that's what it is! I mean, I've seen this kind of damage to other planes... kind of scary when I think back on it!!!:eek:

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Surveilance aircraft
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