John Ambrose VINCE

Extended Description
Sergeant John Ambrose VINCE No. 9562
Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry transf. to (607698)
Labour Corps
Died 18 July 1919 aged 50

Husband of S A Vince, 14 St. George's Crescent, Easington, Banbury.

At rest at Banbury Cemetery, Oxfordshire.

John Ambrose VINCE . Son of David and Jemima Amelia Vince and husband to Selina Alice Barling who he married on 11 September 1897 at St Johns, Bethnal Green, Middlesex. They had the following children - John Ambrose born 7 January 1900, Arthur David born 16 April 1906 and Violet Maud born 23 January 1909. In 1901 his wife and son John lived at St Johns School, Bethnal Green, she was the school caretaker and he was not at home. Her sister Susan Barling was also at this address. In 1911 he was living with his family at 1 Goulds Square, Newthorpe, Banbury.

Some notes from what remains of his army records -

He joined up on the 22 September 1914 aged 44 years occupation, painter and was posted to the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry as Private 9562. Promoted to unpaid Lance Corporal 25 November 1914, then Sergeant 9th February 1915 with the 6th Battalion. On 22 July 1915 he was posted to France. He had a compulsory transfer as Sergeant 607698 to 8th Prisoner of War Company, attached to the Labour Corps. Promoted Acting Company Sergeant Major on 11 January 1919 and reverted to Sergeant 12 February 1919 on being admitted to No 30 General Hospital, Calais with an aneurism. Same day he was admitted to No 10 Canadian Stationary Hospital, Calais from there he was invalided to England 24 February 1919 and admitted to 5th Northern General Hospital, Leicester same day. An Internal letter to the O. i/c of Labour Corps Records, Casualty Section, Nottingham stated the following -

“He was admitted to this hospital (5th Northern General Hospital, Leicester) on 24 February 1919 from overseas suffering from aneurism of left leg. On 28 February 1919 the leg was amputated. Previous history shows cardiac trouble which became acute on April and continued so through June and July. On July 6 patient had attacks of dypnoea, the dropsy which finally cased death on July 18 1919. Disease which caused death was due to military service.”

A telegram to his wife shows where he died, date and time, that being 8.30pm

His son John Ambrose Jnr. born 7 March 1900 at Bethnal Green, Lambeth, occupation, cabinet maker joined the Royal Navy as Boy Class II, J78870 on 27 September 1917. When he came of age (18) he enlisted as Ordinary Seaman on 7 March 1918 for a period of 12 years. He was invalided out of the navy from Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham on 31 May 1922, his last ship being HMS Royal Oak and Able Seaman J78870. He was married on 24 December 1921 at Christ Church, South Banbury to Bertha Louise Hollis. He died in March 1945 at Stourbridge, Worcestershire.
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VINCE John Ambrose VINCE.webp
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