James Joseph DALY (2)

Extended Description
James Joseph DALY. Private 7144396, C Company 1st Connaught Rangers. Born 1898 at Ballinlough County Roscommon, Ireland to Katherine, nee Crane and James Daly.
Executed 2 November 1920.

His regiment was stationed at Wellington Barracks in Jullundur, India he was stationed at Solon, India. The munity started 28 June 1920 when five men from C Company of the 1st Battalion, based at Wellington Barracks, Jalandhar in the Punjab, protested against martial law in Ireland by refusing to obey orders when the regiment learned of the Black and Tans operation (martial law) in the home land during the Irish War of independence 1919-22. The protestors were soon joined by other Rangers, including his brother, John at least one Englishman (John Miranda from Liverpool) The dissidents were led by Private James Daly, whose brother William also took part in the protest. The protest spread to Connaught Ranger companies stationed at Jutogh and Solan. The protests were initially peaceful, but on the evening of 1 July around 30 members of the company at Solon, armed with bayonets, attempted to recapture their rifles from the company magazine. The soldiers on guard opened fire, killing two men and wounding another. On or about 4 September 1920 at Dagshai Sixty-one men were convicted by court-martial for their role in the mutiny. Fourteen are sentenced to death by firing squad, but the only soldier whose capital sentence was carried out was Private James Joseph Daly who was considered the leader of the mutiny at Salon and the man responsible for the failed attack on the magazine. On the morning of November 2, 1920, at the age of 22, he was taken from Dagshai prison (an old not used army prison) and taken to the yard Dagshai Barracks in Northern India where he was executed in front of his regiment by a firing squad consisting of 14 men of the Royal Fusiliers. He was laid to rest in grave 340, Dagshai Cemetery. His father Peter was granted a gratuity 4 October 1921. He was repatriated to Ireland in 1970 and laid to rest with his mother at Geoghegan Roman Catholic Graveyard, County West Meath, Ireland.

He was the last man to have been executed in peace or war for a military offence.

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