Geoff Stephenson

HMS Renown

HMS Renown battling through the seas on the way to Iceland. Date on the back of the photo is Dec 24th 1941.Picture courtesy of the son of Seaman F.P.Ayre.
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Photo could not have been taken in Dec, 41. In Sept, 41 Renown was refitted at Rosyth, during which time she was equipped with radar, 6 - 20mm AA guns and her mainmast was converted to a tripod. Photo clearly shows a pole mainmast and no radar.
Beautiful shot though. Another 10
Hmm interesting, could be a typo by Geoff stephenson. Ill get in touch with him and try to clarify it. Thanks BC (y)
Maybe the date is when the photo was developed and, therefore, is of little significance.
Just a thought.

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Military Ships
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Geoff Stephenson
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