
Heath, Sydney Seddon

Commemorated on a family memorial in Burslem Cemetery, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire

Sergeant 200497, Sydney Seddon Heath, 2/5th North Staffordshire Regiment, died of shock in the Military Hospital, Valletta, Malta 12th April 1917 aged 22, Samuel Seddon and Martha Ann ( Pattie) of 30, Charles Street, Cobridge, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. Buried in Pieta Military Cemetery, Malta
Some information from his military records (Burnt Document) most of which has been destroyed by fire and water damage. He joined up only using Sydney Heath, private 3007 and then 200497
He enlisted 8thSeptember 1914 and had to report at 2/7th Depot, North Staffords, at the Drill Hall, Victoria Road, Hanley, Staffordshire He had his medical at Cobridge, normally in a Drill Hall or Town Hall, date not known but it would have been prior to him joining up and gave his age as 21 years and 11 months
Statement of Service for Pte 3007
8th September 1914, posted the 5th North Staffords
1st April 1915, promoted to unpaid Lance Corporal
28th March 1916 appointed Lance Sergeant
6th April 1916, promoted to Sergeant
14th October 1916 posted from the 1/5 North Staffords as Sergeant to the 5th North Staffords
16th April 1917, died of shock

History Sheet
Home, 8thSeptember 1914 to 27th June 1915
France, Expeditionary Force 28th June 1916 to 19th August 1916
Home, 20th August 1916 to 2nd April 1917
Expeditionary Force, 3rd April 1917 to 16th April 1917, when he passed away
At his death he was Sergeant 200497, 2/5th North Staffordshire Regiment

Movement Sheet
Embarked, Southampton and disembarked at Rouen, 7th July 1915
Sent to G.H.Q. Troops at St Omer, 8th July 1915 ( British General Headquarters)
Embarked Marseille 5th June 1916
Disembarked, Alexandria 12th January 1916
Embarked, Alexandria 5th June 1916
Disembarked at Marseille 11th February 1916
(No record can be found for as to why he died in Malta and what caused the shock.
He may have been injured and died of shock caused by being injured)
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COMMEMORATION to the fallen in both world wars
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