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Captain, George James BRUCE, D.S.O., M.C. and Bar. Mentioned in Despatches, Serving as Brigade Major of the 109th Infantry Brigade, 36th Ulster Division, formerly 13th, Royal Irish Rifles He was the Born 3 June 1880 at Blarney Castle, Cork Ireland to Samuel and Louisa Mary Julia Bruce, nee Colthurst of Springfort Mallow County Cork, Ireland and later of Norton Hall, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire. 1891 aged 10 years he was at boarding school at Fonthill School, East Grinstead, Sussex. 1901 his parents were residing at 9 Upper Berkeley Street, St Marylebone, London.
Husband of Hilda Blackistone Bruce, nee Houston of Corriewood, Castlewellan, Co. Down., Ireland. When the marriage Banns were read 1, 8 and 15 September 1907 he was residing at Norton Hall, Hilda was residing at Orangefield, Newtownbreda, County Down Ireland. They were married 25 September at Knockbreda Church of Ireland, Belfast, Ireland.
1911 he was residing with his wife and children at his widowed father in-laws home at 1 Multyhogy parish of Pottinger County Down Ireland, no occupation given. (Multyhogy townland is the Civil Parish of Knockbreda (Castlereagh Upper portion)
Killed in action 2nd October 1918 aged 37. At rest in Dadizeele New British Cemetery, Belgium.

Awarded the Distinguished Service Order, Military Cross and Bar, Mentioned in Despatches

The London Gazette dated 16 September 1918
Military Cross Citation.
"T./Capt. George James Bruce, M.C.,Gen .List.
For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during an enemy attack. He rallied a company and rode in front as it once more advanced and took a village. Next day he galloped to two companies under heavy fire, and directed them. When the brigade withdrew, he was the last to leave, and covered the withdrawal with Lewis gun sections under his personal supervision. Throughout he displayed high qualities as a Staff Captain, with total disregard for personal safety."

Fell in action near Dadizeele, Flanders, Belgium 2 October 1918 aged 38 years. At rest in Dadizeele New British Cemetery, Belgium. Also commemorated on a memorial in St Mary’s Church, Comber County Down, Northern Ireland.

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V.C and other awards to service personnel who have died in conflict or natural causes.
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