The 155-mm artillery gun-howitzer's development in South Africa Republic began in the late 70's. The artillery gun itself was developed by Canadian Space Research Corporation, by the requirements of "Armscor". The first test example was built in 1981. Since then it passed army trials and participated in military operations in Angola. Furthermore it was one of the most important weapon system in the Angolan War. Self-propelled gun-howitzer entered service with South African army in 1988 and was designated as G-6 "Rhino". Recently there are approximately 40 these artillery units operational with South Africa Republic. The G-6 is also in service with United Arabian Emirates army. It is considered as one of the most successful artillery unit of the world.
Instead of a great number of modern self-propelled artillery units the G-6 is based on wheel chassis. This feature is mostly determined by a dessert terrain where this self-propelled gun is used. Driving compartment is placed at the front part of the hull, engine-transmission compartment is right behind it. Combat compartment, including armored 360 rotation turret is mounted rear.
Commander, gunner and two loaders are placed in the armored turret. They enter and leave turret by using right mounted side doors and two hatches on the roof. From the each board there are two armor covered openings to fire from the R-4 5.56-mm Automatic Rifles. Observation periscopes are mounted over them. Commander turret features 360 observation periscopes.
Hull is built from the steel armor plates protecting crew from firearm fire and projectiles and mines splinters. Moreover the frontal hull and turret armor protects crew from 20-mm rounds. Hull bottom features improved armored protection against anti-tank mines. It stands up to 3 mine hits (against TM46 Anti-Tank Mines). The driver also has bullet-resistant windscreen that can be further protected by armored shutters. Vehicle commander has limited steering and braking capability if the driver becomes a casualty.
Vehicle is armed with the G-5 155-mm Gun-Howitzer mounted in the armored turret. It has elevation range from -5 to 75 and 360 traverse range. Artillery unit features load assistant mounted from the left side. Powder loads are loaded manually. A well trained crew provides rate of fire in 4 rounds per minute during 15 minutes period.
The G-5 Artillery Gun-Howitzer fires high-explosion fragmentation, smoke, illumination and incendiary projectiles. Standard ammunition load consists from 47 projectiles and 52 loads. Artillery unit is fully compatible with a standard NATO ammunition. Maximum range of fire of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile is 30 kilometers and the same type but rocket assisted projectile - 39 kilometers. Preparation time for combat order is 1 minute, while preparation for march position is only 30 seconds.