Extended Description
Private Ephraim FLETCHER No. 24019 2nd Bn.
Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment). Died 15 April 1918 aged 26.

Son of Ephraim and Hannah Isabella Fletcher, nee Mear of New Close Fields, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent.

Some notes from what remains of his army records.

He joined up 11 December 1915 aged 23 years and 10 months and was posted into the army reserve to await mobilisation. He lived at Newstead Farm, Blurton, Staffordshire occupation cowman, his father was his next of kin. He was mobilised on 13 May 1916 posted to No 1 Depot of the Royal Field Artillery as driver 148942 he was later posted to 6 Battery Reseve Brigade, R.F.A on 7 June 1916. On 26 September 1916 he embarked from Folkstone, disembarked the same day at Boulogne, marched into 34 Infantry Base Depot the following day to await dispersal to his unit. On 12 October 1916 he was posted to 8th West Riding Regiment, joining them in the field the next day. He was wounded in action on 9 August 1917 and received treatment that day for a shrapnel wound to his nose at 18 Casualty Clearing Station, transferred the next day to 61 Casualty Clear Station. He was admitted into No 1 Canadian General Hospital, Etaples. He was discharged fit for duty on 29 August 1917 and posted to No 2 Infantry Base Depot and joined his battalion on 12 September, later posted to the 2nd battalion on 8 February 1918. On 15 April 1918 he was wounded and died of his wounds in the field. He was laid to rest at Harrsoins British
Cemetery, four and half miles SSN of Morvell. His body exhumed and re-buried in Chocques Military Cemetery, three miles NW of Bethume.

Commemorated on a family headstone at

Cheadle Cemetery, Staffordshire.
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