Extended Description
Clifford BENNELL. Able Seaman R/5342, Drake Battalion, Royal Navy Division, Royal Naval (VR)
Born 24 September 1886 Son of Philip and Annie Bennell, husband of Amelia Bennell, of 11, New Street, Sharpness, Gloucestershire.
Died whilst on leave 1st November 1918 aged 32 of influenza and pneumonia.
At rest in Berkeley Cemetery, Gloucestershire.
Source for his service record. Great Britain, Royal Naval Division Causalities
Army Reserve 9/12/15 ; Entered 17/7/17 ; Draft for BEF 3/12/17, joined Howe Bn. 5/1/18, joined 7th Entrenching Bn. 28/2/18, transferred to Drake Bn. 14/3/18-27/3/18 joined RND Depot Bn. (Straggler from Line), to hospital 3/4/18 Ulcers Scrotum & left thigh, rejoined Drake Bn. 6/8/18-25/10/18 to UK Leave.

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Royal Navy, Australian Navy and Merchant Navy
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