Photo credited to OnParade Issue
An experienced Armed Forces of Malta scuba diver and war hero has died off the coast of Gozo.
Christine Gauci was an Armed Forces of Malta member. (Armed-Forces-MT), from Victoria, Gozo She had been swimming with a friend at Mgarr ix-Xini on Saturday morning at 10-30 am on the 18 January 2020 aged 35 when she appeared to get into difficulties in the sea. She was rescued and treated on site by medical team but was certified dead shortly afterwards.
Christine applied to join the Maltese Armed Forces in 2005 as Gunner, Royal Malta Artillery. She was the only female to be accepted in a recruitment targeted for enlistment with C.’SD’ (Special Duties) Company. Unfortunately, she sustained a knee injury and was not allowed to carry on with the recruitment. (basic training) and was posted to another company during her recovery period. Once she recovered, she completed the recruitment, passed out and posted to C.’SD’ Coy. later she was entered into the Basic Infantry Course organized by her regiment. Her ambition was to serve within the British Army which was seemingly an impossible challenge. After a six months selection process in the UK she started basic training with the British Army and specialized in Air Defence. After twenty-four weeks of training she was posted to Minden Battery, 12th Regiment, Royal Artillery. (12 (Minden) Air Assault Battery - Lightweight Multiple Launcher). In 2010 she completed a PNCO (Potential Non-Commission Officer) course and was promoted to Lance Bombardier (British Army). She was deployed to Afghanistan 2011 and received the Afghanistan medal. After four years with the British Army she returned to Malta and re-joined the A.F.M. (Armed Forces of Malta) in 2012, serving with A Coy, 1st Regiment. This company is responsible for the access control and quick reaction to any situation arising within Malta International Airport. On joining A Coy she underwent training to searches on female personnel and vehicles at certain gates within the airport, V.I.P. protection and quick reaction to aircraft accidents. She also started a B3 Diver Course with the (E.O.D.) Explosive and Ordnance Depot. It was her ambition within the AFM to operate underwater but still carry out sensitive military duties and to be the first female to join the E.O.D. unit where she could serve her country beneath the surface of Maltese water.
Extract from OnParade Issue
On the day of her death she was doing exactly what she loved to do, diving along with a friend, in the waters of Gozo, only to die in tragic circumstances so close to her home.
Photos credited to Times of Malta.
Rest in Peace, you will never be forgotten
Her funeral was held on Thursday 23rd January 2020 at St. George’s Basilica in Victoria, Gozo.
AĠĠORNAT: Numru kbir ta' nies inġabru fir-Rabat, Għawdex, biex jagħtu l-aħħar tislima lil Christine Gauci, il-mara li nhar is-Sibt li għadda mietet waqt li kienet qed togħdos f’Imġarr ix-Xini, ma’ persuna oħra. Għal xi raġuni li għadha mhux magħrufa, Christine sabet ruħha f'diffikultà...
“Christine int mudell li n-nisa kollha għandhom isegwu.” Hekk saħqet kollega ta’ Christine Gauci, suldat tal-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta li lbieraħ tilfet ħajjitha f’Imġarr ix-Xini, f’Għawdex, wara li kienet qed togħdos. F’messaġġ fuq il-midja soċjali, Christine kienet deskritta mhux biss bħala...