Extended Description
Alfred HAYES. Military Medal. Private D/24602 6th (Home Defence), Royal Ulster Rifles. Previously served in WW1 with the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, Royal Irish Fusiliers and the Royal Army Medical Corps.
Born 8 May 1888, at Cookstown, County Tyrone to William and Sarah Ann Hayes, nee Mitchell
Some notes from his WW1 army records.
Joined up at Private 8908 Royal Inniskilling Fusilier at Omagh 4 January 1907 aged 18 years and 7 months, occupation, carter. Previously served with the Royal Irish Rifles Militia.
Overseas postings. Malta 19 February 1908 to 22 September. China 23 September 1909 to 3 December 1912. India 4 December 1912 to 8 December 1914. Promoted to Lance Corporal on the 25 May 1915 while in England
Posted to France to join the BEF 18 March 1916. Received a gunshot wound to back, left leg and back of left hip and fragments of shrapnel in France. Treated in the field and invalided to England 27 July 1917 and admitted into Mont Dore Military Hospital (Previously Mont Dore Hotel) Bournemouth. On sick leave to his home at 78 Oregon Street, Shankill, Belfast from 3 October 1917 to 12 October 1917. He returned to France on the 11 April 1918 later transferred as Lance Corporal 49793 to the Royal Irish Fusiliers and was attached to 108th Trench Mortar Battery (Ulster Division) 14 February 1919 he returned to England and was transferred to Class Z (Army Reserved) at Oswestry 15 March 1919.
Awarded the Military Medal. Gazetted 9 July 1917.
He re-enlisted aged 31 for a period of one year into the Royal Army Medical Corps as Private 206461, 16 September 1919. His next of kin was his wife Anna and they resided at 79 Tennant Street, Belfast. Occupation, shipyard labourer.
Died of septicaemia in a Military Hospital, Belfast 6 February 1940 aged 51.
At rest in Holywood Cemetery, Holywood, County Down, Northern Ireland.
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Holywood Cemetery and Old Prior Churchyard County Down Northern Ireland
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Focal length
30.0 mm
Exposure time
1/400 second(s)
HAYES Alfred.webp
File size
2.5 MB
Date taken
Tue, 30 June 2015 1:39 PM
2849px x 5267px

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