Casualty Evacuation An Nhut Vietnam

Casualty Evacuation An Nhut Vietnam

  • Reaction score 1
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Diggers filling sandbags , South Vietnam. 29 March 1967

Diggers filling sandbags , South Vietnam. 29 March 1967

  • Media owner Mil-Stevo
  • Date added Mar 15, 2018
  • Reaction score 1
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5 Platoon, B Company, 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment

5 Platoon, B Company, 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment

  • Media owner Mil-Stevo
  • Date added Mar 15, 2018
  • Reaction score 3
  • Comments 1
1st Australian Logistic Support Group (1ALSG) Vung Tau 1971

1st Australian Logistic Support Group (1ALSG) Vung Tau 1971

  • Media owner Mil-Stevo
  • Date added Mar 15, 2018
  • Reaction score 2
  • Comments 3

Australian Diggers in Vietnam

  • Items 4
  • Album owner Mil-Stevo
  • Date created
A collection of photos about Diggers in Vietnam
Yes I have thanks. I also found a guy in Flikr whi had dozens if albums of these oics but they are marked as all rights reserved, i have asked him if i can use some here if i link back to his Flikr page. Thats ok to do isnt it
Firstly good on you for seeking permission and yes it is fine to do that if you get the permission you want.
In relation to all rights reserved, you will find a lot of photos on Flickr marked that way and they are actually Public Domain, that doesn't mean that is the case here. Just a point to note :)
Just been doing a bit of digging

UC DAI LOI is Vietnamese for Australia

The Vietnamese say that Uc Dai Loi literally means "continent of great interest."

The Australians say it means "great continent to the south."

Both are essentially correct. The Australians are strangely fascinating, and though they are on the average smaller men than most Americans, they carry with them an atmosphere of hugeness.

In Saigon they dash around in olive-drab landrovers emblazoned with bright red Kangaroos on the doors ― the Vietnamese have no word for Kangaroos, so they call it "big red rat."

Australian "Tankies" wear black berets and the two battalions of Australian infantry, wear floppy, shapeless little bush hats, no two of which look alike either in shapelessness or in the arrangement of the dirt which usually encrusts them.

Altogether, the Australians are so colourful, they are almost fictional.

The 1st Australian Task Force has done handsomely in Vietnam.
Since last June 5, when the task force arrived 4000-strong. Phuoc Tuy province, long a solid Viet Cong stronghold, has been pretty well cleaned up.

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