
50th Birthday present

My wife surprised me for my 50th birthday with a ride in a WW2 T-6 Texan . It belongs to my friend Butch Schroeder and I would never have dreamed of asking him for a flight. My wife went and talked to him to see what it would cost. Butch knew the problems I have had so he told my wife to bring me to his hanger museum and the hour and a half flight I got, was his present to me. It was one of the best spirit lifters I could have ever imagined. Better than all the therapy and pills I have ever had. WOW!!
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What a fantastic gift and experience, you are very lucky mate and a belated Happy Birthday to you. (Y)
What a superb gift, Nightstalker, lucky you! Although I must admit, when I saw this pic at first, I thought I was looking at 'Oddball' from the 'Kelly's Heroes' movie!
solthumsolthum Lucky Dog, My 50th is in a few years time to drop hints. Happy BD, Panzer Bob sal;

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