Mil News Tragic D-Day rehearsal remembered


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
A D-Day invasion rehearsal in which hundreds of US servicemen were killed is being remembered in a series of events commemorating the 60th anniversary of the tragedy.
A total of 749 US military personnel were lost when German E boats launched a surprise attack on an Allied convoy.

The US soldiers were killed in the English Channel on 28 April, 1944.

Veterans have gathered for a service at St Michael's and All Angels church in Stokenham, south Devon.

The memorial service is to be followed by a wreath-laying ceremony a few miles away at a US Sherman tank which was recovered in 1984 after being lost at sea during the operation
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My dad lives not too far from Slapton Sands and we generally go for a drive round here when I'm back. Vast long expanse of beach, not very wide and shingly if I remember correctly. A sad place.