Mil News For Muslims In The Us Military, A Different America Than The One They Swore To Defend


The Bird Thats Big
MI.Net Member
Mi.Net Supporter
Apr 22, 2004
For Muslims in the US military, a different America than the one they swore to defend

U.S. Marine Gunnery Sgt. Emir Hazdic was a Muslim refugee.

"The way Americans welcomed us made such a huge impression on me that I felt like I owed something back," said Hazdic, a Bosnian-Muslim who fled Sarajevo in 1995. Shortly after arriving in the United States, Hazdic joined the Marine Corps as an infantryman — hoping to help peacekeepers deploying to his homeland.

I was shocked at this article, but not surprised that this is going on.
I am a Brit and a Christian and cannot accept that we condemn all Muslims because of the actions of the few.

In this case we undermine the service of the Muslim men featured and of all those that have died in the service of the United States of America. Make no mistake this is happening here in the United Kingdom I am sure.

Do we not realise that terrorists create terror and by reacting in this fearful way we help them achieve their goal. What happens is that we turn on a religion itself and then that religion, in its entirety turns on us.

I have also read on Facebook and Twitter the hate that people are spreading around, most of which is probably orchestrated by some mindless bigot with nothing better to do.

Muslims have served in most if not all conflicts through the ages, in fact we have begun to erect monuments in remembrance of their sacrifices and rightly so.

Only since the emergence of Al Qaeda and ISIS have we begun to turn our backs on our brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith, we had no issues before.... think about that for a minute.

The root cause of extremism is (I believe) that the Muslim youth in particular do not feel as if they fit into our society and are beginning to become estranged from the idea of a "multi cultural" existence. This is the war we should be fighting, bringing the patriotism and feeling of belonging back to these young people. If you have read the article then you will know that behaviour described within it will do no good at all.

Just my two penneths worth.
Excellent article @Bigbird
It is a bad thing when we allow fear to dictate our actions, especially against those who have served our countries so well.

Sadly this article could easily read
For Muslims in the UK military, a different UK than the one they swore to defend
I dont doubt that this is happening here too
This article could be about any EU country. What angers me the most is that this is a breeding ground for populist demagogy and refugee bashing and empty promises so luring, so stirring, so deliberating for a common man during the election and pre-election time in some European countries. A frickin´ primer.
I think the Refugee issue is slightly different to the issue of condemning Muslims already in place because of fear.
You are right though that this kind of attitude does not help the people who are migrating for a better life away from war and tyranny.

It has to be said though that the mass migration needs more control, if you imagine you were in a town where thousands of migrants had descended there would always be problems regardless of religion or race.
There is a fundamental misunderstanding of Islam among most westerners. They simply do not think like we do and this is the fact that escapes people. To a westerner, even a devout religious type, their religion influences aspects of their life, language, dress, activities and sometimes food and drink. To a Muslim their religion controls every aspect of their lives. The Muslim doctrine of Takkiya or cover up literally means caution, fear or disguise making it possible to lie or deceive someone if it furthers the work of Allah. To a westerner who believes that there must be some level of truth in order for a society to exist it is inconceivable that a Muslim will lie through his teeth and think it is honorable. When a Muslim joins the US military, he has made his mind up concerning the conflict between the US Constitution and Sharia law, because the two are totally incompatible. Understand that Islam views life as "I can't win if you don't lose." In this sense Islam is not a religion at all as we typically think of religion, but a system that economically and systematically suppresses their adherents by violence.

Where our government is going wrong is in not publicly recognizing moderate Muslims who have embraced a western lifestyle and mindset, these people are in just as much danger as any westerner. On the other hand these people have not helped themselves by largely remaining silent in the face of terrorism.
I had no knowledge of Taqiya until now but it seems to explain a lot regarding my experiences with Muslims, I have at times been lied to and the lie was so blatantly obvious I was astounded.
I have just read some about this and the doctrine of Taqiya is really intended to protect Muslims from persecution. I have to accept that the use of Taqiya has been mutated to protect Muslims who use it, from anything that might be detrimental to them, even trivial matters.

I read this reference on Wikipedia
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Where our government is going wrong is in not publicly recognizing moderate Muslims who have embraced a western lifestyle and mindset, these people are in just as much danger as any westerner. On the other hand these people have not helped themselves by largely remaining silent in the face of terrorism.

RW I agree moderate Muslims need to speak out and get more involved in matters of extremism.
Much has been made of the various reasons someone becomes "radicalized." First, I reject this idea, we don't say someone was "Nazified," "Castroized" or "Maoized." They simply have adopted a mindset, not caught a disease. I also reject the term "terrorism" in its current usage today. The events in Paris and San Berdoo were acts of war, a war that was declared against us in the 1990's and we choose to ignore.

As to why someone would adopt such a position advocating violence is not rocket science. Why are we surprised when a Muslim who believes in Sharia law opens fire at a Christmas party? Such a thing does not exist in the Western mind. The writings of college professor Camille Paglia, an atheist, a lesbian who claims to be a Democrat (although she sounds more like a Libertarian) put her finger on one major factor that in our politically correct fog we fail to see. The decadence of Western society, (particularly in Paglia's mind, the open tolerance of homosexuality and the transgender "mania") has done more to inflame the psychotics who despise Western culture, (including ISIS and other jihadists,) than any other single factor.
I am a Brit and a Christian and cannot accept that we condemn all Muslims because of the actions of the few.

You can't call them as Muslims because it goes against the rules of Islam to kill or harm innocent people,which these terrorists can't stay alive for a minute without.And that proves that they are imposters to be Muslims.Infact,their aims are to portray Islam and Muslims as evil in this world and apparently,they are being very succesful at that.

Think of it,person A copied the outlooks of person B and robbed a bank,and then person B will be blamed for it.

On the other hand these people have not helped themselves by largely remaining silent in the face of terrorism.

You're wrong.These people are often forced to be silent ( such is very common in Pakistan,Afganistan,Syria and Iraq ),but others are NOT SILENT.These terrorist organizations kills more Muslims than non-Muslims,about 8000-10000 Muslims are killed by these terrorists every year.

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